Marriage And papillon dog breed Have More In Common Than You Think
Papillon Dog Breed Information - American Kennel Club
The Papillon is a small, friendly, elegant toy dog of fine-boned structure, light, dainty and of lively action; distinguished from other breeds by its beautiful butterfly-like ears. HEAD
Papillon (dog) - Wikipedia
The Papillon (French pronunciation: , French for 'butterfly[-eared]'), also called the Continental Toy Spaniel, is a breed of dog, of the spaniel type.One of the oldest of the toy spaniels, it derives its name from its characteristic butterfly-like look of the long and fringed hair on the ears. A Papillon with dropped ears is called a Phalene, which translates to moth in French.
Papillon Dog Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics ...
The Papillon dog breed descends from the toy spaniels that are frequently portrayed in paintings by the Old Masters, from as far back as the 16th century. He’s highly active and is a wonderful ...
Papillon Dog Breed Information and Pictures
The Papillon is one of the oldest breeds of dog, with a recorded history in Europe going back nearly 700 years. The breed originally only had dropped ears and was called the "epagneul nain" or "dwarf spaniel." Much of the breed's development is known because of its depiction in paintings.
Papillons: What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em

The Papillon shares top billing with the Toy Poodle as the brightest and most trainable of the toy breeds. Indeed, the spirited, athletic Papillon is commonly chosen by obedience or agility trainers who want a top-notch competition dog in a very small package.. Indoors and out, Papillons are lively and playful, yet also light-footed and graceful – not likely to topple lamps.
Papillon Dogs| Papillon Dog Breed Info & Pictures | PetMD
The Papillon breed is descended from one of the original toy breeds, the miniature Spaniel. Originally called the Dwarf Spaniel, Squirrel Dog, and Toy Spaniel, this little dog with a big personality has enjoyed a long and pampered history amongst the European elite for over 700 years.
Compare Dog Breeds - American Kennel Club
Compare dog breeds below to see how different breed characteristics and attributes stack up against each other. Select up to 5 breeds to see a side-by-side comparison VS.
Papillon - DOGS Victoria
About the Papillon. Background This breed’s history goes back a long way appearing in paintings as far back as 1200-1300s, known then as the "Toy Spaniel" and being owned by royalty and nobles.Many paintings feature the "Toy Spaniel" with dropped ears called the "Phalene" (moth). Now we have both varieties.
Papillon Dogs Facts - Top 10 Papillon Facts You Should Know
Papillon dog breed is a small, elegant dog with a fine-boned structure and is a little longer than tall. It has a smooth and graceful gait with a long, silky, straight coat that is quite abundant. This breed’s characteristics include its alert expression and friendly temperament along with the beautiful butterfly ears.
Papillon Rescue ― ADOPTIONS
Papillon Rescue Information: The Papillon is an elegant toy breed with large ears and a gracefully curved tail. Papillons are active, playful, and full of personality. Papillons do well with older children and cats with whom they are socialized, but can sometimes be combative with other dogs.
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