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Kangal Shepherd Dog - Wikipedia
The Kangal Shepherd Dog is a breed of large livestock guardian dog in Sivas, Turkey. Originally the breed served people of Anatolia for thousands of years and continues to be a popular dog breed in Turkey. The Anatolian Shepherd Dog was treated as a separate breed by many canine registries, but this is now generally treated as part of the same breed population and the Turkish Kennel Club has renamed all Anatolian Shepherds as Kangal Shepherds. The breed is of an early Mastiff type with a solid p
Kangal Dog: Complete Breed Guide (Temperament, Lifespan ...
Five Interesting Kangal Facts The breed dates back to the 12 th century, where Turkish Shepherds would use... A fully grown male can be over 140 lbs. The Turkish dog has the strongest bite force in the canine world being able to generate a force... This dog is not a Anatolian Shepherd, they are ...
Kangal dog breed - Information about the Turkish Kangal ...
The Kangal dog is also known as (Turkish Kangal dog) is a powerful, bold, and big dog which has been used as guarding of cattle against predators. It has a bid head with ears falling down. It is taller and wider than other breeds which make it a perfect guarding dog.
Kangal Dog Breed Information and Pictures
The Kangal Dog is a large, powerful, heavy-boned dog, whose size and proportions have developed naturally as a result of its continued use in Turkey as a guardian against predators. The head is large and moderately wide with drop ears.
Kangal Dog Dog Breed Information and Pictures - PetGuide
The Kangal Dog is a large and powerful breed, often used in Turkey to guard livestock against predators. This dog is easily recognized by its massive head, dark muzzle and curled tail which is carried up and over the back. When viewed from the side, the Kangal has a very distinctive silhouette.
Are Kangal Dogs Dangerous? Myths and Facts about this ...
The Turkish Kangal, though it has sparked controversy, is one of the the most loyal and protective dogs anyone can have. Its strength has been compared to wild beasts, but this dog has a calm temperament and he knows when he needs to attack to protect his flock and property.
Turkish Kangals — Natural Born Guardians
The Turkish Kangal is a Livestock Guardian that truly excels at their job. Their willingness and ability to engage the predators if needed by far exceeds the average Livestock Guardian Dogs. Many of the LGDs come from countries that had eradicated the wolves 50-70 years ago, allowing dogs to be bred that lacked true testing.
Kangal dog Personality, Temperament and HD pictures
The following items should never be fed to Turkish Kangal dog: Alcohol, beer, wine or liquor. Chocolate, coffee, or tea. Grapes or raisins. Moldy or spoiled food of any kind. Onions, chives and garlic. Poultry bones. Salt & salty foods. Tomato leaves, stems or unripe fruit. Yeast dough.
Turkish Dog Kangal Attacking Lion & Tiger !!!
Standing a minimum of 30 inches (dogs) at the withers and weighing an average 120 pounds, the Kangal Dog is a strongly-built, magnificent dog distinguished by its black face and ears.