Why My transylvanian hound Is Better Than Yours
Transylvanian Hound Dog Breed Information - American ...The Transylvanian Hound is primarily a hunting dog who can hardly resist his ancient instincts, so it is very important to train him appropriately. Patience and perseverance are required.
Transylvanian Hound - WikipediaThe Transylvanian Hound (Hungarian: erdélyi kopó, also known as the Transylvanian Scent Hound or Hungarian Hound) is a dog breed from the Kingdom of Hungary, Transylvania (found today in Hungary and Romania), historically primarily used for hunting.
Transylvanian Hound | Dog Breed Info & Pictures | PetMDThe Transylvanian Hound was used as a hunting dog, especially favored by Hungarian royalty while hunting for bears and wolves in the mountains of Transylvania. Because of varying terrains, the breed developed into two versions of the Transylvanian Hound, one with shorter limbs than the other.
Transylvanian Hound - PetGuideThe Transylvanian Hound is an old breed of Hungarian origin, thought to have been brought into the country by invading Magyar tribes during the ninth century. The ancestors of the Transylvanian Hound were bred with various local hounds and Polish hounds to create the modern breed as it is known today.
Transylvanian hound | Dog Breed Info: Pictures ...The Transylvanian Hound is an enigmatic, obscure dog that you’re lucky to get your hands on the outside of its home of Hungary. The Transylvanian Hound originated in the 9th century, where the Asian Hounds that accompanied Hungarian tribes migrated to Transylvania and were bred with Celtic Hounds.
Transylvanian Hound Dog Breed Information and PicturesAnnie (short for Annika Ready for Bear) the Transylvanian Hound at 1 year old—"Foxpaw Farms, Annie's breeder, is one of very few Transylvanian Hound breeders in the USA. Annie is a tall Transylvanian Hound. The main difference is the length of the dogs' legs. These dogs are rare outside of Hungary, and were bred to hunt bear, boar and wolf.
Transylvanian Hound (Hungarian Hound) Info, Temperament ...The Transylvanian Hound is an ancient Hungarian breed of medium size primarily used in the past as hunting dogs. Characterized by a long black and tan body, athletic stature, longish hound-like head, hanging ears, almond shaped eyes and a slightly curved tail, they make for a great family pet because of its gentle, brave and enduring nature.
Transylvanian Hound - Price, Temperament, Life spanThe Transylvanian Hound is an ancient Hungarian breed. It was the favorite hunting dog of the aristocracy during the Middle Ages. As a result of the varying terrains, two varieties of the breed eventually developed, one with long legs and one with shorter legs.
Transylvanian Hound: Detailed information, pictures ...Transylvanian Hound – General Description. The Hungarian Hound (aka. Erdélyi Kopó, Transylvanian Bloodhound) is a breed of dog originating in Transylvania. It was originally kept by Hungarian kings and princes for hunting various game (i.e. foxes, boar, etc).[1]
Transylvanian Hound ClubIt is a great pleasure to introduce to you to our first home-bred Transylvanian Hound, ‘Gianna Grace’. She is the latest of four generations of unique, thorough-bred US-based breeding history. Her name is Gianna for two reasons: the first stems from a conversation a fellow breeder and I had in discussing the litter before it was born.