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Shetland Sheepdog Dog Breed Information
The Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Sheltie, is an extremely intelligent, quick, and obedient herder from Scotland’s remote and rugged Shetland Islands. Shelties bear a strong family...
Shetland Sheepdogs: What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad ...

Proud and animated, the Shetland Sheepdog is a swift, light-footed runner and an agile, graceful jumper. Don't be fooled by his size – this breed has the heritage of an active herding dog and needs more exercise than many other smallish dogs. More importantly, Shelties need "mental exercise."
Shetland Sheepdog - Wikipedia
The Shetland Sheepdog, often known as the Sheltie, is a breed of herding dog that originated in the Shetland Islands of Scotland. The original name was Shetland Collie, but this caused controversy among the Rough Collie breeders of the time, so the breed's name was formally changed.
Shetland Sheepdog / Sheltie Dog Breed Profile | Petfinder
The Shetland Sheepdog is a small, agile dog, longer than they are tall. Their gait is smooth, effortless, and ground covering, imparting good agility, speed, and endurance essential in a herding dog. They have a double coat, with a short, dense undercoat and a long, straight, harsh outer coat.
Sheltie Dog Breed » Everything About Shelties
The Sheltie is medium sized, appearing proportionately sturdy yet poised. They are generally 13-16 inches tall at the shoulders and weigh around 20 pounds. Males are slightly larger than females and appear even more so due to the abundance of hair around their heads and on their chests (mane and frills).
Shetland Sheepdog Dog Breed Information and Pictures
The Shetland Sheepdog looks like a miniature copy of the rough-coated Collie. When viewed from the side, the head looks like a blunt wedge, with the muzzle tapering slightly from the ears to the nose. There is a slight stop. The teeth meet in a scissors or level bite.
PuppyFind | Sheltie Puppies for Sale
While the Shetland Sheepdog will adapt to life with a more sedentary family, it needs to get out, work, and learn. It enjoys taking part in outdoor activities, and performs well in many areas of dog sports.
7 Reasons Sheltie Owners Think Their Dogs Are the Best in ...
Having a Sheltie is like having a best friend who’s good at everything! Fans of the breed are sure to recognize these Sheltie traits. 1. He is the epitome of the herding dog.
Sheltie Nation | Rescue a Sheltie - Sheltie Nation
The best way to find your perfect Sheltie is through a rescue organization dedicated to the breed. These groups take in abandoned or unwanted Shelties, rehab them to health, evaluate their needs, then find them new loving homes.
Shetland Sheepdog and Rough Collie, Pets Brantford ...
cline ridge kennel in Brantford, Ontario is a private kennel dedicated to producing a few quality shelties and collies.
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