The World's Most Unusual deerhound
Scottish Deerhound Dog Breed Information
Deerhounds are, though, much larger and more substantial than Greyhounds—a good-size male can stand 32 inches at the shoulder and weigh 110 pounds. The crisp coat is seen in several colors; breed...
Scottish Deerhound - Wikipedia
The Scottish Deerhound, or simply the Deerhound, is a large breed of hound (a sighthound), once bred to hunt the red deer by coursing. In outward appearance, the Scottish Deerhound is similar to the Greyhound, but larger and more heavily boned with a rough-coat.
Scottish Deerhound Dog Breed Information, Pictures ...
Scottish Deerhound The original purpose of Scottish Deerhound dog breed was to hunt and bring down the Scottish roe deer, a magnificent beast twice or more their size. Today, if the Scottish...
Scottish Deerhound Dog Breed Profile | Petfinder
The Scottish Deerhound has a body like that of a Greyhound but is of larger size and bone, enabling them to run at great speed using the double-suspension gallop without sacrificing strength and endurance. Their trotting gait is easy and true. Their hair is harsh and crisp, about three to four inches long on their body, ideally close lying.
Scottish Deerhounds: What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad ...

Like all sighthounds, the quiet, dignified Scottish Deerhound doesn't behave like most dog breeds you may be used to, like a Golden Retriever or German Shepherd. For example, a Scottish Deerhound is unlikely to fetch a ball or play tug-of-war or protect your family.
Deerhound | Rave Master Wiki | Fandom
Deerhound was a member of the Knights of the Blue Sky, and valiantly died in the war of Symphonia. He was later sent to guard the Rave of Knowledge in the form of an animal by Alpine Spaniel.
Deerhound Character « Fern Hill Scottish Deerhounds
Deerhound adults are well known for being laid back, non-aggressive (I have five males and five bitches that all live together in our house), and very much their own dog. The following is an excerpt from the Deerhound Listserv from someone who has Deerhounds. It was part of an explanation as to why she much prefers Whippets.
The Scottish Deerhound Club of America – The official web ...
Welcome to the official Web Site of the Scottish Deerhound Club of America. We hope you enjoy your visit and will return often to check for new information. Deerhounds have unique personalities: they are very gentle, and at the same time, regal.
Scottish Deerhound Puppies For Sale - AKC PuppyFinder
Find Scottish Deerhound Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Scottish Deerhound information. All Scottish Deerhound found here are from AKC-Registered parents.
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