German Shepherd And Golden Retriever Mix
German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix - Discover the Golden ...
German Shepherd And Golden Retriever Mix Appearance. Male German Shepherds stand between 24 and 26 inches at the shoulder and weigh 65 to 90 pounds. Females are between 22 and 24 inches tall and weigh 50 to 70 pounds. Male Golden Retrievers are 23-24 inches tall and weigh 65-75 pounds.
Golden Shepherd : Golden Retriever & German shepherd Mix
Golden Shepherd. Gentle and Protective. The Golden Shepherd is a mixed breed also known as a hybrid. She is the result of a breeding between the Golden Retriever and the German Shepherd. She is expected to live between 10 to 14 years and falls into the breed groups herding and sporting.
The Definitive German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix Guide ...
Ranging in appearance, the German Shepherd and Golden Retriever Mix can be more German Shepherd than Golden or vice versa. One thing for sure, they are classed as a large size dog, ranging between 21-26″ in height and weighing between 50-70 pounds.
Meet the Golden Retriever German Shepherd Mix - My Dog's Name
Since both breeds are of a larger size, your Golden Retriever German Shepherd mix will likely be a big dog. Most German Shepherds weigh about 70 pounds with the Retriever weighing in at about 70 as well. Both dogs stand close to 24 inches tall.
German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix | Breed Info | Price ...
German shepherd Golden Retriever mix is the result of breeding between German Shepherd dog with a Golden Retriever. They may vary significantly in their appearance, and are very playable, because of two very active parent breeds. Happy with children and adults alike, you really can’t ask more from a dog.
Golden Retriever German Shepherd Mix (2020 Vet Reviewed ...
Both parent breeds are considered very intelligent among dog breeds, so the Golden Retriever and German Shepherd mix is almost always a smart dog that is very driven to please. They have an excellent prospect to be quite trainable as a result. In addition, this hybrid is athletic with moderate to high exercise needs.
Is the Dutch shepherd Golden Retriever Mix a Fantastic Dog ...
What can you expect with a Dutch Shepherd Golden Retriever mix? You will get a medium-large dog about the size of a small German Shepherd. She will have blonde, honey, or brindle medium-long, slightly wavy hair with a full tail, ruff, and feathers on legs and belly. She will also be an efficient mover, a quick, athletic dog, and a water-lover.
A German shepherd and Golden retriever mix : doggos
r/doggos: Your one stop sub for doggos, woofers, shoobs, puggos, cool doggos, sleepy doggos, lomg doggos, very fast doggos running at incredible …
German Shepherd Mix Puppies For Sale - GSD Mix ...
The German Shepherd Mix is not a purebred dog or a designer dog breed. Any puppies that qualify as a German Shepherd Mix are a cross between a German Shepherd and another dog breed. In a mixed breed, you can get any mix of characteristics in the parent breeds. German Shepherds tend to be strong-willed, intelligent, playful, and loyal.